Friday, May 19, 2006

Potty Training 101

Me: Mom?
Mom: Hi Baby, what's up?
Me: Mom--
Mom: Mands, what's wrong?!
Me: Mom, how do you get urine out of a mattress?
Mom: What?
Me: *sigh* How do you clean urine from a mattress?
Mom: Why?
Me: Well, Mikey thought it would be a good idea to wear big boy underwear last night, after I put him to bed.
Mom: *uncontrollable laughter* I don't know.
Me: You don't know?
Mom: Check the internet.

And this is how I started my day. Cleaning my son's soiled mattress with shampoo, then using hydrogen peroxide to pull the stain out. I guess I should backtrack and explain why this happened. My son Mikey, will be 3 on June 20th, and I figured it was a good time to start really pushing the potty training. So yesterday I had him in big boy underwear. He did really good -- well that's an overstatement, but I will explain that later. Anyways I guess he seemed to think underwear would be good to sleep in too. This brings me to Potty Training 101. I am compiling a list of Rules to avoid this with my second son, Maximus.
Rule #1 ~ Keep underwear out of reach of children.
Rule #2 ~ Be careful what you use as an incentive.
Rule # 3 ~ Do not leave children unattended in the bathroom.
Rule # 4 ~ Watch how they play with toys.

Now for the explanations of all of the rules, I have stumbled upon so far.

Let me explain Rule #2. I went onto a bulletin board yesterday to get some advice on potty training. All the advice was really useful. They explained how often to ask, and to use rewards. For example M&M's. Well Mikey love's M&M's so I figured this would be a great incentive. I took him to the potty and told him if he made pee-pee he would get an M&M. Wow, he was real happy! He made pee-pee and ran to the kitchen extremely excited about his M&M. I gave him his M&M, and he looked at me shocked. He said "More p'ease" I told him he gets 1 M&M for pee-pee, and 2 M&M's for poopie. Well, after a huge temper tantrum, he went back into the potty and it took me 10 minutes to get him out. All he wanted were M&M's. I guess I need to find a new incentive.

This brings me to Rule #3. After dinner, I told Mikey to go potty. He came out naked and asked me to come into the bathroom with him. I did and his clothes were on the floor in front of the potty. I picked them up and they were soaked. I'm not sure if he missed the potty and got his clothes, or if he sat on the potty with his clothes on. I guess if I was there, I would have known.

And now for Rule #4. My son has one of those long light up lasers. He kept sticking it down his pants. Telling us "itchy butt". So again, I needed to sanitize.

Unfortunately, due to last night's accident (and me not knowing at what time it occured, Mikey doesn't get out of bed unless someone comes to get him. Good thing, I know) Mikey has a nice rash on him, and we had to cancel potty training for the day. We are taking a few days off and will reconvene on Sunday or Monday. Hopefully, I won't end up with that many more Rules.